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Safety and Environment Policy

The core business activity of Nesskip is ownership of vessels, agency services and ship broking. The company consider its duty and part of daily operations to secure the safety of its employees and others that may be working together with or on behalf of the company, regardless of weather at sea or land. Nesskip main objective as far as safety is concerned is to operate without accidents.
Nesskip respects the environment that the company and its employees operate within without limitation regardless of whether nature or biological system. Nesskip main objective as far as the environment is concerned is not to damage and/or spoil the environment. In order to fulfil its policy and objectives in safety and environmental issues, Nesskip has the following as a guidance:

  • All Nesskip vessels have implemented the international ISM code.
  • The personnel and office environment of Nesskip is created in the way that will generate positive environmental thoughts.
  • Nesskip takes initiative in education, training and discussion amongst its employees about safety and environment as the case may be.
  • In its services as ships agents Nesskip encourages and instructs its employees to comply with all relevant safety rules, e.g.:
    • Driving cars within port areas with hazard signals on at all times.
    • Employees at all times to wear afterglow clothing/wests.
    • Depending on nature of individual ships activity, employees are wearing other safety devices, e.g. safety helmets, shoes, glasses, harnesses.
  • To inform and co-operate with authorities in case of mishap regardless whether safety or environmental related.

Nesskip will in all respect follow Icelandic and international rules and regulations that are applicable for safety and environment and encourages others to do the same.

Seltjarnarnes, February 2016
Garðar Jóhannsson,
Managing Director


Nesskip er leiðandi aðili í umboðsþjónustu við erlend skip sem hafa viðkomu á Íslandi